2025 Club Standings
2025 Club Standings
Updated: 02/16/2025
Division Rankings:
* Reduced to top 50.
1 | Ulmer, Rusty | 187.80 |
2 | Aulwes, Jason | 185.57 |
3 | Warren, Chase | 177.21 |
4 | REED, MIKE | 176.56 |
5 | Bernatawicz, Patrick | 174.98 |
6 | Brewer, Brian | 161.46 |
7 | Neitzke, Matt | 160.09 |
8 | Conaway, Terry | 159.80 |
9 | Webb, Chris | 156.66 |
10 | Johns, Keith | 154.67 |
11 | Murphree, Patrick | 149.54 |
12 | Borquez, Roberto h | 149.21 |
13 | Layton, Richard | 149.18 |
14 | Hardy, Russel | 146.32 |
15 | Biekert, Jeff | 144.37 |
16 | thomas, mike | 140.82 |
17 | Zahora, Taylor | 138.58 |
18 | Bosard, Cal | 133.41 |
19 | Benner, David | 132.84 |
20 | Whetstine, Tyler | 130.60 |
21 | Holcomb, Case | 126.31 |
22 | Holcomb, Pete | 124.15 |
23 | Knepper, Gene | 122.21 |
24 | Salazar, Daniel | 118.61 |
25 | McCants, Mike | 117.66 |
26 | Carr, Thorin | 108.69 |
27 | Averkamp, Dale | 104.71 |
28 | MCCAMISH, Travis | 100.00 |
28 | Maher, David | 100.00 |
29 | mitchell, cole | 98.39 |
30 | Schmeling, Tyler | 90.66 |
31 | MAHAFFEY, ROBERT | 90.32 |
32 | Nelson, Ethan | 88.71 |
32 | Castro, Mark | 88.71 |
33 | Knepper, David | 83.91 |
34 | Becker, Jeff | 83.87 |
35 | Foulkrod, Charlie | 83.29 |
36 | Schear, Andrew | 79.03 |
37 | Cordova, Lane | 78.41 |
38 | LaVine, Matt | 75.81 |
39 | Dunlap, Jake | 73.08 |
40 | Walker, Kyle | 70.97 |
41 | Coogan, Brendan | 70.51 |
42 | Johnson, Brian | 67.74 |
43 | Bonham, Alex | 66.13 |
44 | Cox, JR., Edward | 64.52 |
44 | Tressler, Christopher | 64.52 |
45 | Peugnet, Justin | 62.82 |
46 | Schear, Jillian | 59.68 |
47 | Murray, Clifford | 57.69 |
47 | Sanders, Kyle | 57.69 |
47 | Ashton, Dustin | 57.69 |
48 | Aschenbach, Ron | 56.45 |
49 | Hardy, Luke | 56.41 |
50 | kassa, julia | 55.30 |
1 | Milillo, Mitch | 200.00 |
2 | Fagerlie, Ben | 174.98 |
3 | Allred, James | 56.00 |
4 | McCalla, Sati | 51.06 |
1 | Jones, Richard | 183.05 |
2 | Johnson, Brian J. | 100.00 |
2 | Leatham, David | 100.00 |
3 | Biersdorff, Randy | 98.31 |
4 | Larrick, Don | 92.37 |
5 | Lowell, Travis | 76.27 |
6 | Krushak, Scott | 74.58 |
7 | Williams, Antonio | 58.33 |
8 | Adams, John | 44.07 |
9 | Keith, Davin | 38.98 |
10 | Schmalzriedt, Brian | 30.51 |
11 | Ashley, Sean | 3.39 |
1 | Roberts, James | 200.00 |
2 | Steely, Lyle | 193.30 |
3 | Cumming, Rob | 100.00 |
4 | Ruchong, Matt | 82.98 |
5 | LaChapelle, Benjamin | 74.47 |
6 | Sing, Kevin | 68.09 |
7 | Quinn, Patrick | 56.10 |
8 | Krushak, Scott | 51.06 |
9 | Murphy, John | 44.68 |
10 | McCalla, Payton | 39.02 |
Class Rankings:
1 | Ulmer, Rusty | 187.80 |
2 | Aulwes, Jason | 185.57 |
3 | Warren, Chase | 177.21 |
4 | reed, mike | 176.55 |
5 | Bernatawicz, Patrick | 174.98 |
6 | Conaway, Terry | 159.80 |
7 | Johns, Keith | 154.67 |
8 | Layton, Richard | 149.17 |
9 | McCamish, Travis | 100.00 |
9 | Maher, David | 100.00 |
11 | MAHAFFEY, ROBERT | 90.32 |
12 | Nelson, Ethan | 88.71 |
13 | LaVine, Matt | 75.81 |
14 | Reeves, Josh | 67.74 |
15 | Bonham, Alex | 66.13 |
16 | Tressler, Christopher | 64.52 |
17 | Peugnet, Justin | 62.82 |
18 | LaChapelle, Benjamin | 56.45 |
1 | Brewer, Brian | 161.46 |
2 | Webb, Chris | 156.66 |
3 | Murphree, Patrick | 149.55 |
4 | Milillo, Mitch | 140.90 |
5 | Thomas, Mike | 140.82 |
6 | Whetstine, Tyler | 130.60 |
7 | Fagerlie, Ben | 124.19 |
8 | Steely, Lyle | 123.86 |
9 | Jones, Richard | 120.89 |
10 | Carr, Thorin | 108.68 |
11 | Averkamp, Dale | 104.71 |
12 | mitchell, cole | 98.39 |
13 | Sing, Kevin | 97.77 |
14 | Krushak, Scott | 95.12 |
15 | Castro, Mark | 88.71 |
16 | Becker, Jeff | 83.87 |
17 | Schear, Andrew | 79.03 |
18 | Lytton, Tony | 71.79 |
19 | Cox, JR., Edward | 64.52 |
20 | Holzer, Cody | 48.39 |
21 | Vigil, Steve | 46.15 |
22 | Quinn, Patrick | 29.49 |
1 | Neitzke, Matt | 160.09 |
2 | Borquez, Roberto h | 149.21 |
3 | Biekert, Jeff | 144.38 |
4 | Johnson, Brian J. | 143.38 |
5 | Zahora, Taylor | 138.59 |
6 | Roberts, James | 128.37 |
7 | Holcomb, Case | 126.30 |
8 | Holcomb, Pete | 124.15 |
9 | Knepper, Gene | 122.21 |
10 | Salazar, Daniel | 118.61 |
11 | Cumming, Rob | 75.81 |
12 | biersdorff, randy | 74.36 |
13 | Coogan, Brendan | 70.51 |
14 | Ruchong, Matt | 62.90 |
15 | Larrick, Don | 61.08 |
16 | Schear, Jillian | 59.68 |
17 | Lowell, Travis | 57.69 |
18 | Aschenbach, Ron | 56.45 |
19 | Thierfelder, John | 47.44 |
1 | Hardy, Russel | 146.32 |
2 | Benner, David | 132.84 |
3 | Schmalzriedt, Brian | 77.92 |
4 | Walker, Kyle | 70.97 |
5 | Hardy, Luke | 56.41 |
6 | Rustad, Justin | 50.00 |
* Competitors who shot less than 3 matches in the 2024 season are unranked. You may request a rank after obtaining 3 scores within the 2025 club season by contacting the page admin.
1 | Bosard, Cal | 133.42 |
2 | McCants, Mike | 117.66 |
3 | Schmeling, Tyler | 90.65 |
4 | Knepper, David | 83.91 |
5 | Foulkrod, Charlie | 83.29 |
6 | Cordova, Lane | 78.41 |
7 | Dunlap, Jake | 73.08 |
8 | Leatham, David | 58.06 |
9 | Ashton, Dustin | 57.69 |
9 | Murray, Clifford | 57.69 |
9 | Sanders, Kyle | 57.69 |
12 | kassa, julia | 55.29 |
13 | Todd, Robert | 53.85 |
14 | Murphree, Kyle | 53.23 |
15 | Dundas, Sara | 52.56 |
16 | Wood, Scott | 51.61 |
17 | Jacob, Brent | 51.28 |
18 | Allred, James | 45.16 |
18 | Pynn, Jeff | 45.16 |
20 | Hatch, Joy | 41.94 |
21 | Lashley, Zachary | 38.46 |
22 | Harrington, Michael | 37.18 |
23 | Ashton, Titan | 35.90 |
23 | Miller, Al | 35.90 |
25 | Kaczynski, Brett | 34.62 |
26 | Murphy, John | 33.87 |
26 | Williams, Antonio | 33.87 |
28 | Adams, John | 33.33 |
28 | Jacob, Tyler | 33.33 |
30 | Schulz, Chris | 32.05 |
31 | Kayser, Gavin | 30.77 |
31 | McCalla, Sati | 30.77 |
33 | Van Asdlan, Rob | 30.65 |
34 | Ianson, John | 29.49 |
34 | Keith, Davin | 29.49 |
36 | Kim, Joon | 25.81 |
37 | Scholten, Harrison | 24.36 |
38 | McCalla, Payton | 20.51 |
39 | Winders, Ami | 17.74 |
40 | Streeter, Derek | 16.67 |
Point Calculations:
Division Points:
Calculated based on performance compared to the division match winner. Each division match winner will earn 100 points. All subsequent finishes, based by division, will have their points divided against the division winner’s score, multiplied by 100, and taken to the second decimal. Total points will be the sum of a shooter’s top 3 finishes over the year. All points will be reset on January 1 of the New Year.
Class Ranks:
A ranking system to help shooters measure their growth against similar shooters. Your class rank will NOT change until the end of the season, but your position will be determined by your top three club scores. At the club finale in December, there will be awards for the top shooters in each class.
At the end of each season, classes will be re-calculated based on top 3 scores during the season and a shooter may move up a class for the next club season. A shooter can move up in class, but never down. You must have at least 3 scores with our club before a class rank will be calculated.
If you’re a new shooter or have less than 3 scores, you will remain Unranked. Unranked shooters can request a ranking mid-season once they have 3 scores with the club.
At the AZ Precision Rifle club finale, your finish will be compared to others within the same class. This system has no effect on any PRS/NRL system and will be utilized only for AZ Precision Rifle club matches.
Pro: Top 15%
Semi-Pro: Next 15%
Marksman: Next 30%
Amateur: Final 40%
Unranked: Less than 3 club scores on record. Shooter can request a rank calculation once they reach 3 club scores.
Calculation Example:
Match winner had 70 hits, you scored 60 hits: (60/70)*100= 85.71 points